Cocuswood Turning Squares
Brya ebenus
This extremely rare species is found in Cuba, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. Also called Green, Brown, or West Indian Ebony. The heartwood is brownish-yellow to dark brown often with a greenish tinge. It is usually beautifully veined with darker streaks. The wood is hard and heavy weighing 68 to 80 lbs/cubic foot. This high density contributes to its wonderful acoustic properties-it fairly rings when struck. It is well known for its use in woodwinds such as flutes, piccolos, and bagpipes because of its fine and uniform grain, its beautiful coloring and its resonance.
E has a little wane on one end, should turn off. This piece also has the remnants of cracks we milled off, which means the cracks end at the surface of the square. You can see where they were but they don't go into the piece any farther.
Item Number: W42820