German Apple Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42937
Figured Black Limba Bowl Blanks
Terminalia superba
Beautifully variegated and colored, Black Limba is easy to work and finish. This wood is found in the equatorial forests of West Africa. Black Limba has wonderful tonal properties and is suitable for both solid-body guitars and acoustic guitars. Easy to work and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42920
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42886
Figured Black Mesquite Bowl Blanks
Prosopis nigra
A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.
Item Number: W42862
Black Mesquite Bowl Blanks
Prosopis nigra
A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.
Item Number: W42861
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42842
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42841
English Elm Bowl Blanks
Ulmus procera
Item Number: W42782
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42780
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42779
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42715
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42696
Genuine Mahogany Bowl Blanks
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42673
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42655
Shihuahuaco Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42624
Chakte-kok Bowl Blanks
Cosmocalyx spectabilis
This species is from the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. It is also called Redheart. Freshly cut it is a brilliant red color which darkens on exposure.
Item Number: W42619
Shihuahuaco Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42607
Shihuahuaco Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42606
Wenge Bowl Blanks
Millettia laurentii
Most Wenge comes from the interior of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and is floated to market on the Congo river. It is fairly hard and heavy with a medium to coarse texture. The heartwood is very dark brown with fine, nearly parallel black veining. Very rich looking when finished.
Item Number: W42550
Wenge Bowl Blanks
Millettia laurentii
Most Wenge comes from the interior of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and is floated to market on the Congo river. It is fairly hard and heavy with a medium to coarse texture. The heartwood is very dark brown with fine, nearly parallel black veining. Very rich looking when finished.
Item Number: W42549
German Lime Carving Block
Tilia platyphyllos
Also called European Basswood, this species grows throughout Europe. It was the favorite wood of the English carver Grinling Gibbons and the German Gothic sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider. Pale in color, it has a straight grain and fine, even texture. It is easy to work and can easily be carved with, against, and cross the grain. It is recognized as one of the classic carving woods. Air-dried.
Item Number: W42503
Pink Ivory Turning Blanks
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
E has a crack on one face, but it you are turning a bowl out of this, most of it should turn off.
Item Number: W42444
Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42382
Shihauhauco Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42297
Mexican Bocote Bowl Blanks
Cordia elaeagnoides
Bocote is an oily wood with a yellowish to dark brown color accented with irregular black stripes and streaks. It has a spicy smell and is hard, heavy and strong. It is easy to work and takes a very nice polish. This beautiful wood is seldom seen in woodworker's shops.
Item Number: W42285
Mexican Bocote Bowl Blanks
Cordia elaeagnoides
Bocote is an oily wood with a yellowish to dark brown color accented with irregular black stripes and streaks. It has a spicy smell and is hard, heavy and strong. It is easy to work and takes a very nice polish. This beautiful wood is seldom seen in woodworker's shops.
Item Number: W42284
Panama Redwood Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42258
Figured Shedua Bowl Blanks
Guibourtia sp.
Also called Ovangkol and Amazakoue. This wood is increasingly becoming popular as an acoustic guitar wood. The color varies from a rich, golden brown to a lustrous grayish brown usually with a black stripe.
Item Number: W42241
Figured Claro Walnut Bowl Blanks
Juglans hindsii
A tree found in Southern Oregon and Northern California with the best material coming from the San Joaquin Valley. Lighter in color than Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans regia) it is often found with curly and quilted figure. Burly stumps are also a valuable source of wood for veneers, gunstocks, and wood turning blanks.
Item Number: W42165
African Padouk Bowl Blanks
Pterocarpus soyauxii
This brick-red colored West African hardwood was once one of the more common imported hardwoods but has become increasingly scarce in the last couple of years. It is easy to work, takes a nice polish and is dimensionally stable.
Item Number: W42093
African Padouk Bowl Blanks
Pterocarpus soyauxii
This brick-red colored West African hardwood was once one of the more common imported hardwoods but has become increasingly scarce in the last couple of years. It is easy to work, takes a nice polish and is dimensionally stable.
Item Number: W42092
West African Ebony Bowl Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
These all have a little wane on one corner.
Item Number: W42063
West African Ebony Bowl Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42062
Hawaiian Koa
Acacia Koa
This species is found almost exclusively in the Hawaiian Islands. It ranges in color from a pale brown to a reddish brown to a very dark, almost chocolate brown. It has a texture similar to Walnut but is easier to work. Can be highly chatoyant or lustrous. Highly sought after for use in musical instruments, especially guitars and ukuleles. Koa is becoming rare.
Item Number: W40653
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W39251
Brazilian Bloodwood Bowl Blanks
Brosimum paraense
Also called Satine, Cacique, and Cardinalwood. The heartwood is a rich strawberry red, in sharp contrast to the light colored sapwood. Takes a high, lustrous finish. Air dried.
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Item Number: OS11