Burly California Redwood Guitar Lam Top Sets
Sequoia sempervirens
These often times enormous trees are some of the largest living organisms on earth. They thrive in the fog belt along the northern Pacific coast in California. The heartwood is pink to a deep reddish brown. The wood is soft, easily worked, and exceptionally durable.
These sets have a little variability in their thickness as well as not being perfectly flat, but the wood is quite forgiving and it is pretty easy to flatten during use.
Item Number: IW36762
Guatemalan Rosewood Guitar Bridge Blanks
Dalbergia tucarensis
This Rosewood species has a reddish-brown to dark brown colored heartwood contrasting the almost white sapwood. The dust has a sweet odor. It is an excellent furniture/case works/jewelry box wood and even though it has a medium texture it does take a nice polish. We also offer it as a musical instrument wood (see guitar fingerboards and backs & sides elsewhere on the site). It has a very "crisp" tap tone with good sustain.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36761
Figured Claro Walnut Crotch FIgured Guitar Peghead Veneers
Juglans hindsii
A tree found in Southern Oregon and Northern California with the best material coming from the San Joaquin Valley. Lighter in color than Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans regia) it is often found with curly and quilted figure. Burly stumps are also a valuable source of wood for veneers, gunstocks, and wood turning blanks.
Item Number: IW36760
Wenge Guitar Neck Blank
Millettia laurentii
Most Wenge comes from the interior of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and is floated to market on the Congo river. It is fairly hard and heavy with a medium to coarse texture. The heartwood is very dark brown with fine, nearly parallel black veining. Very rich looking when finished.
Item Number: IW36759
Bird's-eye Maple 3 piece Guitar Neck Sets
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: IW36755
Black Limba Instrument Billets
Terminalia superba
Beautifully variegated and colored, Black Limba is easy to work and finish. This wood is found in the equatorial forests of West Africa. Black Limba has wonderful tonal properties and is suitable for both solid-body guitars and acoustic guitars. Easy to work and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: IW36753
Figured Black Mesquite Instrument Billet
Prosopis nigra
A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.
Beautifully figured.
Item Number: IW36750
European Pearwood Instrument Billets
Pyrus communis
Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.
Item Number: IW36749
Genuine Mahogany Ukulele & Guitar Neck Blanks
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36745
Genuine Mahogany Guitar Neck & Heel Block Sets
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36744
Black Limba Instrument Billet
Terminalia superba
Beautifully variegated and colored, Black Limba is easy to work and finish. This wood is found in the equatorial forests of West Africa. Black Limba has wonderful tonal properties and is suitable for both solid-body guitars and acoustic guitars. Easy to work and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: IW36742
Hawaiian Koa 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blank
Acacia Koa
This species is found almost exclusively in the Hawaiian Islands. It ranges in color from a pale brown to a reddish brown to a very dark, almost chocolate brown. It has a texture similar to Walnut but is easier to work. Can be highly chatoyant or lustrous. Highly sought after for use in musical instruments, especially guitars and ukuleles. Koa is becoming rare.
Item Number: IW36741
Alder 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blanks
Alnus rubra
Hand-picked and color and grain matched.
Item Number: IW36738
Sitka Spruce Instrument Billets
Picea sitchensis
A conifer species native to the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A. It became well known during World War II because of its use in airplane construction. Widely used for sounding boards and tonewoods in the manufacture of musical instruments.
Item Number: IW36736
Snakewood Ukulele/Guitar Finger Boards
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36735
Figured Alder 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blank
Alnus rubra
Hand-picked and color and grain matched. This blank has a slight curly figure.
Item Number: IW36734
Macassar Ebony Guitar Finger Boards
Diospyros celebica
A classically striped Ebony from Asia. Quartersawn.
Item Number: IW36730
Genuine Mahogany 2 piece Ukulele Neck Sets
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36729
Swamp Ash & Alder 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blanks
Fraxinus profunda
This White Ash comes from the southern U.S.A. and is noteworthy for its very light weight, 2.2-3.2 lbs. per board foot. Used mainly in the musical instrument trade for light weight electric guitars, it also has very nice acoustic properties.
A is Swamp Ash.
B is Pacific Alder.
Item Number: IW36728
Swamp Ash 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blanks
Fraxinus profunda
This White Ash comes from the southern U.S.A. and is noteworthy for its very light weight, 2.2-3.2 lbs. per board foot. Used mainly in the musical instrument trade for light weight electric guitars, it also has very nice acoustic properties.
Item Number: IW36727
Honduras Rosewood Guitar Oversized Peghead Veneers
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36724
African Blackwood Bass Guitar Finger Boards
Dalbergia melanoxylon
The heartwood is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Its stability and lovely tonal qualities make it an excellent instrument wood.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36723
Western Red Cedar Guitar Top Sets
Thuja plicata
This is a large conifer species growing along the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A. At one time most wooden shingles used in the U.S.A. were cut from Western Red Cedar. Old-growth billets with little or no grain run-out produce excellent tonewood for guitars and other musical instruments.
Item Number: IW36722
Western Red Cedar Ukulele Top Sets
Thuja plicata
This is a large conifer species growing along the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A. At one time most wooden shingles used in the U.S.A. were cut from Western Red Cedar. Old-growth billets with little or no grain run-out produce excellent tonewood for guitars and other musical instruments.
Item Number: IW36721
Curly Hard Maple Lam Top Guitar Set
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Because of the generally small size of available logs, most sawmills produce flatsawn boards which will show a broken curl on the surface and a fiddleback curl on the quartersawn edge. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: IW36719
Bird's-eye Maple 3 piece Guitar Neck Sets
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: IW36718
West African Ebony Bass Guitar Finger Boards
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: IW36710
Bird's-eye Maple Guitar Neck Blanks
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: IW36708
Bird's-eye Maple 3 piece Guitar Neck Sets
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: IW36707
Genuine Mahogany Guitar Neck Blanks
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36705
Genuine Mahogany 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blank
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36704
Alder 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blanks
Alnus rubra
Hand-picked and color and grain matched.
Item Number: IW36703
Alder 3 piece Solid Body Guitar Blanks
Alnus rubra
Hand-picked and color and grain matched.
Item Number: IW36702
African Blackwood Instrument Billets
Dalbergia melanoxylon
The heartwood is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Its stability and lovely tonal qualities make it an excellent instrument wood.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
These African Blackwood billets are cut from logs in Africa in 2023. To prevent cracking while in transit to the US, they were completely dipped in hot paraffin wax before being palletized and shipped.
Since they cannot season fully encased in wax, we remove the wax and apply several coats of clear shellac. This seals the wood and protects it from spikes in temperature or drops in humidity but has some porosity which allows the wood to dry and season. We recommend you keep it wrapped in the shrink wrap we applied before shipping. It is best stored in a cool climate (65-70° F) and with relative humidity around 35%.
When you are milling this wood, keep watch and if it starts developing small air checks, put a coat of shellac or paste wax on it. These large, mostly clear boards are incredibly rare in African Blackwood so please take pains to prevent degradation.
These are absolutely gorgeous pieces of wood. Straight grained and as close to perfect as you can get in blackwood. They are ridiculously hard to photograph and capture the grain, plus we have put several coats of shellac on them for protection, but in the sunlight you can see the beautiful grain.
Item Number: IW36701
Brazilian Bloodwood Guitar Peghead Veneers
Brosimum paraense
Also called Satine, Cacique, and Cardinalwood. The heartwood is a rich strawberry red, in sharp contrast to the light colored sapwood. Takes a high, lustrous finish.
Item Number: IW36696
West African Ebony Guitar Peghead Veneers
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: IW36694
Snakewood Violin Bow Blanks
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36692
West African Ebony Ukulele Finger Boards
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: IW36688
Snakewood Guitar Bridge Blanks
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36684
Snakewood Guitar Bridge Blanks
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36683
Figured Narra Guitar Finger Boards
Pterocarpus indicus
This wood is also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous redish-orange color sometimes with darker streaks. The figure is classic bee's-wing mottle. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: IW36682
Wenge Guitar Finger Boards
Millettia laurentii
Most Wenge comes from the interior of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and is floated to market on the Congo river. It is fairly hard and heavy with a medium to coarse texture. The heartwood is very dark brown with fine, nearly parallel black veining. Very rich looking when finished.
Item Number: IW36681
Snakewood Guitar Finger Boards
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36680
Snakewood Guitar Finger Boards
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: IW36679
Genuine Mahogany Guitar Heel Blocks
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36678
Genuine Mahogany Ukulele & Guitar Neck Blanks
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36677
Spanish Cedar Guitar Neck Blanks
Cedrela sp.
Also called Cigar Box Cedar because of its aromatic scent and its wide use in tobacco humidors. It resembles the wood of South American Mahogany to which it is related. Heartwood color varies from a light pinkish brown to reddish brown. It is fairly light in weight.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36676
Spanish Cedar Guitar Lining Billets
Cedrela sp.
Also called Cigar Box Cedar because of its aromatic scent and its wide use in tobacco humidors. It resembles the wood of South American Mahogany to which it is related. Heartwood color varies from a light pinkish brown to reddish brown. It is fairly light in weight.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36674
Spanish Cedar Guitar Lining Billets
Cedrela sp.
Also called Cigar Box Cedar because of its aromatic scent and its wide use in tobacco humidors. It resembles the wood of South American Mahogany to which it is related. Heartwood color varies from a light pinkish brown to reddish brown. It is fairly light in weight.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: IW36673
African Blackwood Instrument Billets
Dalbergia melanoxylon
The heartwood is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Its stability and lovely tonal qualities make it an excellent instrument wood.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
These African Blackwood billets are cut from logs in Africa in 2023. To prevent cracking while in transit to the US, they were completely dipped in hot paraffin wax before being palletized and shipped.
Since they cannot season fully encased in wax, we remove the wax and apply several coats of clear shellac. This seals the wood and protects it from spikes in temperature or drops in humidity but has some porosity which allows the wood to dry and season. We recommend you keep it wrapped in the shrink wrap we applied before shipping. It is best stored in a cool climate (65-70° F) and with relative humidity around 35%.
When you are milling this wood, keep watch and if it starts developing small air checks, put a coat of shellac or paste wax on it. These large, mostly clear boards are incredibly rare in African Blackwood so please take pains to prevent degradation.
These are absolutely gorgeous pieces of wood. Straight grained and as close to perfect as you can get in blackwood. They are ridiculously hard to photograph and capture the grain, plus we have put several coats of shellac on them for protection, but in the sunlight you can see the beautiful grain.
B has a fractured corner on one end, which a crack that is about 1 1/2" long. Please call for more details.
Item Number: IW36672