Lignum Vitae

Guaiacum sanctum

One of the world's densest and oiliest woods. The green to greenish-brown heartwood weighs between 80 to 90 lbs/cubic foot. Long used for its self-lubricating qualities in marine applications such as propeller shaft and rudder shaft bearings, it is also thought to have medicinal and healing properties. Its oily nature makes it difficult to glue but makes it a fantastic turning wood.

Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.

This board is from the outside of the log and as such, has a lot sapwood along the outside of the board. Please give us a call if you have additional question.

Item Number: W42788

up to 2 x 5 1/2-10 7/8 x 50 1/8"