Curly European Sycamore Cane Blanks
Acer pseudoplatanus
This European Maple is native to central Europe and west Asia. It is a tough, white or cream colored, fine-grained timber. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream because it is so even-colored. It works well in any grain direction. It is used for musical instruments, furniture, cabinetry, and because it is non-staining it is used for kitchen utensils, wooden spoons, rolling pins, and cutting boards. The figure is fiddleback on the quartersawn surface and more of a broken curl on the flatsawn surface. Select, quartersawn material is used for violin backs and sides and necks. Dry.
Item Number: W42203
A 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 36"
B 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 36"